AV8-ORR Helicopters specializes in precision aerial applications using helicopters and UAV's (Drones). Our pilots and crew members are among the best in the business. We are highly experienced at performing challenging applications in steep and rugged terrain as well as providing pest control solutions in diverse and complex growing regions.
Experienced at applying a complete range of crop protection and vegetation management products. AV8-ORR Helicopters has a solution for your aerial application needs.
Range and Pasture
Invasive weed control
Row Crop
Right of Way
Having seeded close to 100,000 acres we are experienced in the application of beneficial grasses for a variety of resource objectives.
Wildland fire rehab
Rangeland restoration
Wildlife habitat
Erosion control
Right of Way reclamation
Experienced in applying high volumes of fertilizer blends (up to 600 pounds per acre) We handle all aspect of the application from the time the product leaves the plant until it hits the ground.
Range and pasture
Utility ROW